Sunday, October 6, 2013

Tough competition!

I've been going through submissions for the book. That's partly why I've been away from the blog. I like what I'm seeing. Lots of different stories. When all is said and done, this book will be a good mix of lengths and genres.

For any who have yet to submit a story, the competition is heating up. The quality is astounding. I can't wait to see what else comes to me. I'm loving every minute of this!

Part of my time is also spent finding new and interesting diners. One just opened up in my town not too long ago. If you're ever in Morgantown, WV, check out The Atomic Grille. Also found a neat little place in Connellsville, PA called Ed's Diner next to Melody's Motor Motel off Route 119. It's been there for 17 years. But the original Ed's, which I've not been to in Uniontown, has been around for 35 years!

I love diners that have been around for that long or longer. In Fairmont, WV, next to Fairmont State University, there is McAteer's. Which has been in operation since 1958. I highly recommend that place. Their breakfasts are good. As is the Monster Cheeseburger. Do yourself a favor and try the bacon.

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